Welcome to St.Xavier's
English Medium School

Welcome to St.Xavier's
English Medium School

Important Notices

Unit Test on 18/09/2023 to 26/09/2023

First Exam on 03/10/2023 to 12/10/2023

Recent Activities

To help in boosting the confidence of students as they learn to express themselves in front of others.

School Annual Day 2023

Friendship Games 2023

Achievements in Anand

Swachh Bharat Celebration

First day for KG - 2023

Football Tournament - 2023

Fency Dressing Celebration

Studying in Classroom

Happy Feast Day - 2023

Drawing Competition - 2023

Indoor Classroom Acticities

Hostel Study Time - 2023

Principal's Message

Education is one thing no one can take away from you”. Elin Nordegren.

And I am happy to say that we in St. Xavier’s English Medium School, Bhiloda make sure that each child who is admitted here feels at home and learns well with great enthusiasm and joy. Our staff members too show lot of zeal in motivating our Students and teaching them with positive attitude. Every year there is an increase in the number of students. This year too we have around 300 Students studying in St. Xavier’s Primary English Medium School, Bhiloda. It is really a great achievement. It is possible because of the support and trust of the Parents have in Xavier Parivar. We always emphasize the goal and motto of St. Ignatius of Loyola namely MAGIS (more) and Excellence not only at academic level but also in Extra -Curricular activities. It is our dream that each Student who studies here Learns well, picks up good English and stands in society with dignity and respect. And it has become reality in the life of Students with the help of good education and value education that they receive. I wish that more and more students are educated in St. Xavier’s Primary English Medium School, Bhiloda.


Sr. Susan Marandi BS

Our Staffs
