Our Vision

“There are two types of education- one that teaches you how to make a living and the other that teaches you how to live.”

The agenda of education at Xavier’s is to focus more on formation of the youth rather than just imparting knowledge. In a world that is getting more and more bankrupt on basic human values Xaverians are trained to become better human beings. The school inculcates the qualities of a passion for excellence, desire for freedom, courage, confidence, spirit of inquisitiveness etc. in its students.

Education at Xavier’s transcends the boundaries of the classrooms. The four walls of the classroom and what happens therein do not define education. The teachers as well as students are infused with a rare passion much like that of our patron saint and founder – St. Francis Xavier and Ignatius of Loyola. Without being overtly spoken about, these great saints have found their way into the life blood of every Xaverian student and teacher alike.

Our Mission

“We aim to form leaders in service, men and women of competence, conscience and compassionate commitment.”


  • Social Transformation: Jesuit education aims not merely at economic enhancement of the individual or society but creating men and women for others
  • Spiritual Transformation: Jesuit education focuses on the formation of values, attitudes in the students. We believe that true knowledge leads us to God ultimately.
  • Intellectual Transformation: Develop imaginative, affective and creative dimension of the students.
  • Personal Transformation: Develop to the fullest possible way the God given talents or the self image of the learners